My Week In Comics Issue: 2

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Week In Comics Issue #2

And we’re back. Another week and more comics for me to talk about. This week I had time to read Nightwing #25, Batgirl #25, Wonder Woman #25. So that means I have a lot to talk about.

Nightwing #25

This month’s issue for Nightwing takes a break from his ongoing adventures in Chicago and takes us back to when Dick Grayson was a teenager and flying high with Haley’s Circus. Before I get to far into the book I’m gonna have to point out that this issue was another Zero Year tie in. ?.

The book opens up with Dick doing the trapeze act. He alienates his two best friends by hogging the lime light and they decide to bail on him for the movie they were going to watch that night. His parents, who are angry with him for what he did during the show, forbid him from going to see the movie. So you already know whats gonna happen next. The power goes out all over the city and everyone in the theatre panics.

Dick hocks up with three kids, one of which is the son of one of Gotham’s biggest gangster boss. As the kids make their way through the back allies the bump into a huge muscled Killer Croc type guy. I’m not 100% sure what it was. Which is kinda sad.

Movvvvving along. Kids are chased and a younger Robin saves the day. That’s pretty much how the comic comes off. Rushed. There was nothing to tie me into the story other than the fact that it was a Zero Month tie in. But the story itself was very weak for a Nightwing comic. There isn’t much reason for me to care about the characters.

You get the hint that the monster they faced or C.J. Maroni (one of the kids in the group) may come back as a villain for Nightwing to face. On the upside …. At least they didn’t interrupt an ongoing plot line for Nightwing. Which brings us toooooo

Batgirl #25

sigh Why … DC …. Why? Batgirl has been my favorite comic of the new 52. I love Gail’s work on the comic. My dislike for this issue may be because Gail didn’t write this story. I hope she wasn’t taken off Batgirl because if this story is any indication then …..

So we’re back to Zero Year tie ins. For Batgirl the story focuses on Bab’s having to take care of her brother as it starts to rain. I don’t know why it’s raining because there was no rain storm in Batwing or Nightwing. But whatever …. So Barbara is out getting supplies for the rain since there may be a flood. She narrowly escapes being shot by a guy who is desperate for supplies. After her father, Jim Gordon, leaves to head down to the police station. As the storm rages on Barbara and her brother have to leave their home because the area may flood. Sadly they may have been safer at home because the shelter they are staying begins to flood and the only way out is on the roof top. And this is where the story starts to really fall apart.

The rest of the story is just them walking from one roof top to the next. And I wish I was kidding about that. The story is slow, a common theme it seems among the Zero Year tie ins. The only real sense of action in the story is when Henry (who was leading the group from the shelter from roof to roof) decides he’s going to run off with everyone’s belongings. Barbara tries to stop him, but she only manages to prevent him from taking a few things.

The story aggravates me. Gail had a really tight story brewing with Barbara and the fall out surrounding the death of her brother James. And that story has kinda being held up as DC does one tie in after the next. There was the 23.1 Villains month issue, of which Batgirl wasn’t given a villain to face. And now there’s this Zero Year tie in. To be honest I’m not thrilled with the Zero Year tie in and I hope DC dials down the number of ties they are going to do. I know they have one more coming up tied back into their overall villains month Forever Evil thing they got going on. But I’m kinda feeling burned out on cross overs. Especially when there is a good story going on in the comics normal line. sigh

Wonder Woman #25

I’m wondering if November just isn’t my month for DC Comics. For some bizarre reason I just couldn’t get into this issue of Wonder Woman. The art work has changed a bit and I don’t think I like it. The story isn’t slow but it also isn’t fast. It’s kinda like this issue is building up for an even bigger and better story. Likely a huge show down with the First Born.

Also … I didn’t care to much for Apollo eating the spleen of the First Born. Or them cutting chunks out of him for their meal. It just doesn’t jive with the rest of the series.

So in this issue Wonder Woman is adjusting to being the new god of war. Which would make for an interesting video game …Meanwhile Hera is getting used to being mortal. And I think this is what I enjoyed most out of this issue, the humanization of Hera. In previous uses of Hera in other mediums she is a total bitch. In this issue we are given a glimpse of why she behaved the way she was. So that moment of introspection was a nice touch to an otherwise dull issue.

If I could change one thing about Wonder Woman though it’s the use of Orion. He just doesn’t fit in with this comic. In this issue he comes off as a petulant child throwing a tantrum because Wonder Woman told him to stop. He’s also a misogynist. His overall tone doesn’t sit well with the series and I think that is readily clear in this issue

The wrap up

Overall this month hasn’t been a good one for my reads. I still have one more book to read from this month and I will likely discuss it in the next issue. I have higher hopes for December though. Gail will conclude the current story arc for Batgirl and I'm betting it will be good.

Nightwing #25 2 Fros

Batgirl #25 2 Fros

Wonder Woman #25 2 ½ Fros

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